What to Expect

You can request an initial appointment via telephone or email (contact@deeprootedcounseling.com). Prior to appointment confirmation, you will initially complete a short intake where we confirm insurance coverage, copays and deductibles, as well as making sure what we are a good fit for what brings you to therapy.  Once verified, an additional email will be sent with a link to intake documents for you to complete prior to your intake session. Allow about 20-30 minutes to complete this entire process, as all documents are very important to the foundation of your therapy process.  The appointment will only be confirmed once documents are completed.

Intakes usually lasts 45-60 minutes.  Typical appointments beyond the intake also last 45-60 minutes. 

If you are seeking therapy for your child, the intake will be with you and your child.  Please be ready to provide additional documents that might be helpful to the therapy process, including 504 or IEP plans, prior psychological testing, or any documents related to custody that would be relevant.  

     We accept the following insurances:


Blue Cross Blue Shield



Beacon Health Options (Unicare, GIC)

Beacon Health Strategies (Fallon)

Harvard Pilgrim

United Behavioral Health

Optum Health

NOTE: If seeking telehealth services, coverage will also need to be confirmed, as not all insurance plans cover this service.